Assassin's Creed Valhalla

I worked on different aspects of the game from Props, Large Architecture Assets, Weapons, Procedural Objects and made sure that everything is within the technical guidelines of the engine. 

I also developed tools and workflows that were used in different aspects of the production. Doing repetitive tasks, creating new data structures, and automating validations. Helped in improving the overall engine (Anvil) with different tools that were later on included in different projects in the company.

Overall technical owner of the Weapons Pipeline of the whole game. Yes, that's right! every weapon you see for the character and NPCs where handled and implemented by me together with the lead studio in Montreal.

Was very fortunate enough to work on real locations for Snotinghamscire which quite did give a lot of challenges in terms of technical fidelity. If you see some of those neat looking rivers, fields, streams, and boulders, yeah I worked mainly on those plus having to do a lot of optimizations along the way

Lastly, did a lot of optimizations in our locations to make sure that everything is running on smooth framerate on Xbox and PS4 consoles using their own SDKs. Identifying bottlenecks in rendering and performance.

Overall, it was one of the best experiences I had with my career. Having to be in the project since conception down to GOLD. I'd say we made a pretty big impact as a studio in this awesome installment of the Assassin's Creed Franchise.


Provided technical support and pipelines to ensure that every asset we produce are in full visual quality that meets the engine's specifications. Ensuring we get most out of the engine's capability and provided techniques to the team of artists both local and collaboration studios.

Then of course wrote a lot of workflows and pipelines for most of these objects alongside with our Graphics TDs.

World Locations

In-charge of the overall technical topic for the whole region of Snotinghamscire. I also did some procedural work and water tech implementations in our region.

Working on objects, level design, procedural content, NPCs, and  many other. Making sure that our locations are bug-free and meet the requirements of tech for these different types of locations. 

Tools & Pipeline

Along the way in production, I manage to work on a lot of tools from our DCC down to our own engine tools to even standalone applications using C#, WPF/XAML, Maxscript, WinForms, Javascript, C++ to help the team on their day-to-day tasks. Problem solving everyday issues and providing the best solution as possible in a short amount of time.

Some of my tools were also adapted by other projects in the company.

Profiling & Optimization

Making sure that we bring you the best experience of our locations, assets, and content on every platform that AC Valhalla shipped on. This includes profiling on different consoles and ensuring that every bottleneck and performance issue gets resolved before the game ships. 

Was able to maintain a smooth framerate for most of our locations in Snottinghamscire for Xbox One and PS4.

Weapons Pipeline

Weapons Pipeline for the whole game from objects; to the upgrade system; to the actual pipeline how these weapons are handled in game and how we were able to put them on screen for multiple characters and NPCs. 

It's one big major milestone for me to be able to make this awesome part of the game.

Weapons Pipeline

I was lucky enough to handle the whole Weapons Pipeline (NPC and Characters) from its meshes, upgrades, tech, skinning and more.

Oh! Forgot to mention also was able to work with Horse Equipment upgrades and tech.


A part of a region that I handled for everything related to tech, optimization, procedural, water, and content. 

Wenloch Abbey Raid

An example of a raid location we've worked on. This did in fact post a lot of challenges when optimizing because of the amount of objects and characters on-screen on a single frame.

Cheers to the amazing team of World Designers at Ubisoft Philippines that I had a chance to work with!


This installment of Assassin's Creed brings us a lot of Roman Structures with great amounts of details on them. So this was one of the challenges we had to tackle during the production. With the awesome team of artists, we were able to fit this tremendous amount of details without sacrificing the performance!

Ship Customization

Also was very lucky to work with how ships are customized in the game. So when you see shields in your Viking Longship being customized and used by your crew during raids, don't forget about me! 

My Very First AAA Game Credit Title!

Artworks are not mine and credits go to their individual content creators.



+49 176 66108047